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The goal of Thrive in 5, the accelerated B.S./M.S. Program in Industrial and Systems Engineering, is to enable a student to earn a BS in their engineering discipline and an M.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering in approximately 5 years (or one semester earlier than if the degrees were pursued separately). This is accomplished by taking up to 9 credits of graduate coursework during the senior year that count toward both the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree.
See the MSU Graduate Bulletin for rules governing this program. The following is practical advice on how the program functions.
At the time a student applies to the program, the student must:
An application package consists of the following items, which must be submitted to the Graduate Coordinator of the Industrial and Systems Engineering department.
The Industrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Committee will review an applications three times a year (8/1, 12/1, and 5/1) to assess whether the student possesses those qualifications and interests that are indicative of successful completion of the Industrial and Systems Engineering M.S. program.
The ISE Graduate Coordinator is the student’s initial temporary advisor for graduate courses taken in the senior year, unless that student has indicated they will pursue a thesis. In this instance, the students identified research advisor will serve as the advisor for graduate courses taken in the senior year.
During the senior year a student takes graduate courses under the following conditions.
The student remains a B.S. student until such time as they complete all requirements and receive their B.S. degree and all other undergraduate program advising should be handled by the student's respective undergraduate program department.
Upon satisfactory progress in the senior year and submission of a formal application to the M.S. program in Industrial and Systems Engineering, a student formally becomes a graduate student in the M.S. program. All required materials for admission into the graduate material must be submitted by the student to the Office of the Graduate School, as is routine. The ISE Graduate Program Guide provides information regarding required information, performance criteria and program specific details. The following outlines the procedure.
The ISE Graduate Coordinator is the initial temporary advisor to all new MS students, unless a research advisor has been identified previously. The Graduate Coordinator will assign students to ISE faculty based on concentration area pursued no later than the second semester. The student completes the M.S. degree is the normal manner.