April 16, 2010
Out of 22 students from across the university to be recognized with the 2010 Spirit of State Award, Swati Desai, a senior in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, is said to have “played a major role in promoting diversity at MSU.”
As a freshman, she founded Nach, an Indian dance group that has helped introduce MSU students to Indian culture. Through Nach, she has participated in numerous campus celebrations, including the International Fiesta, and helped create a multi-national entertainment program in collaboration with MSU’s Lab Rats comedy group.
She currently serves as president of the Indian Student Association, MSU’s largest international student group. She has helped the organization raise more than $25,000, with $5,000 coming from organizing campus game day parking. Desai also exhibits her MSU spirit by welcoming new students to campus. She organizes necessary transportation for international students, including rides from the airport to campus. She helps these students find affordable off-campus housing and make arrangements to establish a residence in the United States.