Congratulations to Kari for being one of sixteen Mississippi State faculty members selected for the competitive 2013-2014 Hugh Critz Faculty Leadership Program.
Dr. Lesley Strawderman was awarded the first Bagley College of Engineering Online Education Award
Lesley Strawderman was selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering’s fourth Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) symposium to be held Oct. 14-17 in Irvine, CA. The program will focus on innovations in the context, curriculum, and delivery of engineering education. See story at link.
Dr. Sandra Eksioglu was selected to receive a Bagley College of Engineering Hearin Faculty Excellence Award. This award recognizes outstanding contributions of both academic and research faculty with an emphasis on economic impact in the State of Mississippi.
The Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Student Chapter received the Bronze Award for Outstanding Student Chapter. This is the second year in a row they have received the award. Dr. Strawderman is the new faculty advisor for the chapter.
The MSU student chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) will receive formal recognition at the HFES national meeting to be held in Boston, MA October 22-26, 2012 for their activities in 2011. The national office awards student chapters different levels of recognition depending upon a number of factors including activity, and they…
The MSU student chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) received formal recognition at the HFES national meeting to be held in Las Vegas, NV September 19-23 for their activities in 2010. The national office awards student chapters different levels of recognition depending upon a number of factors including activity. In the first…
Royce Bowden, professor and head of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), with more than 23 years experience as a faculty member will become associate dean for academic affairs in the Bagley College of Engineering (BCoE). He assumes his new role September 16, 2011. Professor John Usher will take the wheel as interim head of Industrial…
Carl Brown, Lab Operations Supervisor for Industrial and Systems Engineering, won one of the 2011 Support Staff Awards given at the Bagley College of Engineering spring picnic. Carl provides excellent technical support and service to the department. The students, faculty, and staff are proud that Carl has received this recognition.