An ISE student team composed of graduate students Shuchisnigdha Deb and Md Mahmudur Rahman, and undergraduate student Rachel Creely placed 3rd in the National Society of Health Systems/Flexsim Model Building Competition. As a finalist they traveled to Houston, TX to make their final presentation. This is the 2nd year in a row that MSU-ISE has…
Dr. Kari Babski-Reeves was elected to serve as a Director to the Board of Certified Professional Engineers (BCPE – ). BCPE provides ergonomics certification to protect the public, the profession, and its professionals by assuring standards of competency and advocating the value of certification. They develop and administer the tests, and certify individuals for the…
Congratulations to Dr. Lesley Strawderman for being awarded Diplomate status in the Society for Health Systems (SHS). Diplomate status provides professional credentialing, and recognizes SHS members for significant contributions to the field of health systems engineering, as well as a history of volunteering with the society. SHS is a society of the Institute of Industrial…
In June, Dr. Allen Greenwood, P.E., Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering was the invited keynote speaker and simulation project judge at the 4th Annual “Logistics Gala,” at Poznan Institute of Technology, Poznan, Poland. Over 300 students, faculty, and representatives from industry attended the event. In addition to Dr. Greenwood’s presentation, the event featured brief…