News - Industrial & Systems Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 10

Bagley students initiated into engineering honor society

November 28, 2018

Babski-Reeves selected to lead national ergonomics organization

October 22, 2018

Bagley recognizes 11 faculty members with endowed positions

October 10, 2018

Linkan Bian named Associate Editor for IISE Transactions – Design and Manufacturing Focus Area

Associate Professor Linkan Bian was named Associate Editor (AE) for the Institute for Industrial Engineers (IISE) Transactions- Design and Manufacturing Focus Area. The journal has four focus areas: Design and Manufacturing, Operations, Quality and Reliability Engineering, and Scheduling and Logistics. Linkan will serve a 2-year appointment in this role.

August 13, 2018

IISE student chapter earns Gold Award for sixth straight year

July 19, 2018

Brian Smith receives Wesley A. Ammon Academic Advising Award

June 12, 2018

Mojtaba Khanzadehdaghalian receives IISE Best Student Paper Award

Mojtaba Khanzadehdaghalian’s paper entitled “Establishing the Process-Structure Relationship Using Tensor Decomposition of Thermal Images” was selected to receive the 2018 IISE Manufacturing & Design Division Best Student Paper Award. Mojtaba, an ISE PhD student, presented the paper at the IISE Annual Conference in Orlando this past May with the award being presented at the Honors…

June 5, 2018

ISE PhD Student, Roy Jafari Marandi, inducted into Bagley College of Engineering Hall of Fame

May 16, 2018

Dr. Young recognized by NSBE for outstanding teaching.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Dr. Glenda Young, was recognized by the NSBE student chapter for her outstanding teaching commitment to the NSBE national goal “to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community”.

May 3, 2018

Jack Francis selected to receive the Irving M. Footlik Memorial Scholarship

Jack Francis (ISE PhD student) has been selected to receive the Irving M. Footlik, P.E. Memorial Scholarship for the 2018/2019 academic year from the Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. The mission of the Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. is to promote the study of material handling, logistics and the supply chain by exposing students and…

May 1, 2018