Faculty - Industrial & Systems Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 8

ISE Professor Honored by Academy of Distinguished Teachers

Dr. Stan Bullington was selected by a committee of engineering faculty and students as an inaugural inductee into the Bagley College of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Teachers. His selection for this significant distinction was based on the following criteria: –Outstanding teachers engage students in the learning process and motivate students to succeed in the classroom…

March 1, 2007

An ISE Trailblazer from an MSU Family of Trailblazers

Dr. Jessica Oswalt Matson is the 2007 Distinguished Fellow of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Jessica has had a very honorable career since receiving her Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Mississippi State in 1975. She is a trailblazer from an MSU family of trailblazers. Jessica’s father, Professor Jesse Oswalt, blazed an exciting new trail…

February 16, 2007

MSU Helping to Secure Electric Power Grid

Professor Kari Babski-Reeves of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) is a Co-Principal Investigator for a $588,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security. The Principal Investigator for the project is Professor Nick Younan of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Other Co-Principal Investigators include ECE Professors Noel Schulz and Roger…

November 1, 2006

ISE Designing National Emergency Communications System

Professors Sandra Eksioglu and Burak Eksioglu of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering are Co-Principal Investigators for a $497,000 grant from the United States Department of Homeland Security. The project is a joint effort between Mississippi State University and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The Principal Investigator for the project is Professor Lori Bruce…

October 27, 2006

ISE Professor Receives $837,540 Grant to Model Pedestrian Traffic

Professor John Usher is the Principal Investigator for an $837,540 grant from the United States Department of Transportation. Professors Lesley Strawderman and Royce Bowden are also involved with the project. The focus of the research program will be on the development of methodologies and software algorithms necessary for realistic simulation of pedestrian traffic at intermodal…

October 5, 2006

Dr. Burak Eksioglu tied for first place in the Bagley College of Engineering 2006 Outstanding Research Paper competition

Dr. Burak Eksioglu tied for first place in the Bagley College of Engineering 2006 Outstanding Research Paper competition. His paper titled “Subset Selection in Multiple Linear Regression: a New Mathematical Programming Approach” was published in Computers and Industrial Engineering. Dr. Eksioglu is most deserving of this significant recognition.

May 11, 2006

MSU honors college announces top awards for 2005-06 school year

University Relations News Bureau (662) 325-3442 Contact: Sammy McDavid April 21, 2006 STARKVILLE, Miss.–Seven students and a faculty member are being recognized for outstanding achievements by the Shackouls Honors College at Mississippi State. The university’s honors program, largest and oldest of its kind in the state, presented the awards at its recent end-of-school-year ceremony. Also…

April 20, 2006